What graphics card does my Windows 10 PC have? But for the purposes of this how-to, we’ll ignore those in favor of a few steps that are faster and easier to follow. For example, both AMD- and Nvidia-based graphics cards use their own apps for managing options. What’s more, the path to finding more details on your graphics card has the potential to splinter again depending on the make of the card. The steps to follow for Windows 10 aren’t the same as for macOS 10.15 Catalina (and earlier versions). The process for figuring out which graphics card (GPU) is inside your computer is easy, but it varies depending on the operating system you’re using. Also, it’s useful if you want to keep your driver up to date, or even if you want to upgrade. First, it will help you know if your machine meets the recommended specification required to play a game or run an application. It’s good to be aware of what graphics card you have in your computer for several reasons.